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Bounding a picture inside a shape on a node


I have a tikzpicture tiled inside of a tikzpicture with the shape of a starburst as a central, repeating node. I want to fill the starburst with a picture. Normally, for a question here, I'd take the starburst out of the tiling and have a much simpler MWE. However, I do not want work-around solutions that are incompatible with tiling using an \sbox. I have this which produces a starburst in a tiling as expected:

\documentclass[tikz]{standalone}\usepackage[skins]{tcolorbox}\usetikzlibrary{shapes}\begin{document}\newsavebox{\tileone}\sbox{\tileone}{\let\newpage\relax% \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.975cm,y=0.975cm]    \clip (0,0.15) rectangle (2,2.15);    \foreach \x in {0,1} {            \foreach \y in {0,1} {                \node[]  at (2*\x, 2*\y)                { \includegraphics[width=0.065\textwidth]{globe.png}};            \node[shape=starburst, fill=yellow, draw=red, very thin, rotate=10,                /pgf/starburst point height=0.25cm, line width=0.25pt,                minimum height=1.20cm, minimum width=1.20cm, name=ystar                ] at (2*\x+1, 2*\y+1) {  };                }        }    \begin{scope}[dashed,black]        \draw plot (\x,\x-1);        \draw plot (\x,\x+1);        \draw plot (\x,-\x+1);        \draw plot (\x,-\x+3);    \end{scope}\end{tikzpicture}%}\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.0cm, y=1.0cm]         \tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\tiny]        \path[draw,fill tile picture={\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,                                    fill=blue!40!yellow, rounded corners=0.5ex]                             {\scalebox{0.5}{\usebox{\tileone}}};                                    }, rounded corners=1ex]  (0.0, 0.0) rectangle (4.0, 4.0);\end{tikzpicture}\end{document}

Starburst in a tiling

When I replace ] at (2*\x+1, 2*\y+1) { }; with ] at (2*\x+1, 2*\y+1) {path picture bounding box.center={\node {\includegraphics[width=0.065\textwidth]{Fireball.png} } } };, I get an error message that path picture is an undefined control sequence even though the Tikz & PGF manual for Version 2.10-cvs says that nodes are placed on paths. When I substitute ystar.center for path picture bounding box.center, I get another undefined control sequence error.

By substituting \node at (2*\x+1, 2*\y+1) {\includegraphics[width=0.065\textwidth]{Fireball.png}}; for the entire starburst node, I can get this, but the picture is already in the shape of a circle, and I want a starburst.

Fiery Circle

Lastly, I can draw a shape and use that bounding box to trim the picture, but I don't want to draw each segment of the starburst:

\draw[path picture={\node at (path picture bounding box.center) {                              \includegraphics[height=2.50cm, trim=70 0 0 30, clip]                                      {Fireball.png} };},       draw=blue, thick] (2*\x+1, 2*\y+1) -- ++ (0,0.75) -- ++ (0.75, 0) -- cycle;

Not the actual shape I'll use, but this process does trim a picture by the shape.

Other Answers

This talks about shapes inside of a node, but I want a shape to act as a bounding box for a picture inside of a node. TikZ: Different shapes inside of a node

This shows how to fill a (drawn) rectangle with a picture, but as I've said above, I'm not looking to draw a shape. I want use a shape from a shape library: How to create a rectangle filled with image using TikZ?

This addresses a particular feature of drawing a rectangle to use to trim a picture, but not what I want: How to create a rectangle filled with image using TikZ?

This talks about including graphics in a node, not the bounding box issue: Moving a picture inside a scope on a background layer

This is close, but does not include the bounding aspect, which is really what is tripping me up: How to typeset a TikZ picture inside a node?

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